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GenixPRO Promotion

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Are you...

  • check

    Lacking in vitamins and minerals

  • check

    Lactose or gluten intolerant

  • check

    At risk of nutritional deficiency

  • check

    At risk of allergy, food sensitivity

  • check

    A carrier of hereditary diseases

  • check

    Predisposed to weight-loss regain

Discover Today
GenixPRO DNA Health Screening

All About You

Maximize your genetic potential for optimal health and holistic well-being. Begin Today.
GenixPRO DNA Health Screening
  • Comprehensive. Holistic. At-home test. All-in-one, integrated Diagnostics | Lifestyle | DNA Health assessment. Why pay more for routine lab tests? Upgrade your annual health checkup with DNA powered insights. Listen to your genes.

  • Predict health risks. Act early. At risk of sleep problems? Hair loss? Skin issues? Weight loss regain? Chronic diseases? Fully decode and understand your innate genetic potential. The earlier you act, the better.

  • Getting enough nutrients? Supplementing right? Exercising right? Don't guess. Decode your DNA. Personalize your fitness, diet and lifestyle choices to match your needs. Generate your DNA health plan today.

Let's Do This.

Assess Your DNA Health
Access 1:1 Genetic Consult

Our members choose to examine their genetic health proactively,
to maximize their innate human potential and learn more about:
  • Diet and metabolism, likely nutritional deficiencies
  • Personalized vitamin and micronutrient needs
  • Lactose, gluten, alcohol, caffeine intolerances
  • Fitness and exercise potential, likely injury risks
  • Eating behavior, weight loss potential, weight loss regain
  • Disease risks influenced by genes and lifestyle
  • Early prediction of likely genetic health risks
  • Inflammation, cardiovascular, bone and joint health
  • Autoimmune diseases, skin and hair conditions
  • Sleep Apnea or poor sleep quality influenced by genes
GenixPRO DNA Health Screening Kit

Tools you need to Maximize Your Health.

Now Available. Easy. At your fingertips.

DNA Health Screening

PREDICT | Health Risks

Let’s take charge.

The only DNA Health Screening available today that predicts your likelihood of cardio-metabolic diseases and other health conditions using most advanced DNA | Diagnostics | Lifestyle based biomarkers assessment.

Our comprehensive reports include your Health Priority Analysis along with personalized nutrition and fitness recommendations to enhance your holistic well-being.

Receive a unique health plan* designed for your needs based on your genes. Identify optimal diet, nutrition, fitness and supplementation. Onboard our digital health coaching platform WYZR to transform your health.

DNA Health Screening Packages

Same DNA Health assessment in all. Difference is in tests, scans and ultrasound* options in these packages. Ask About Discounts* OFF list, for same day purchases. Enquire Now

What You Will Learn

DNA Health Risk Predisposition


Find out your likely risk for developing lifestyle diseases such as type-2 diabetes, hypertension, kidney and liver disease. Learn ways to mitigate risk, optimize sleep quality and depth, manage stress

Personalized Nutrition Recommendations


Identify your ideal diet type, macronutrient ratio, vitamin, micronutrient, and antioxidant needs. Become aware of any potential Calcium, Choline, Glutathione, CoQ10 deficiency

Personalized Fitness Recommendations


Maximize your fitness potential. Understand your genetic strength and endurance profile, power capacity and injury risk. Identify fitness programs best suited for your body-type

Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics


Optimize wellness and vitality by unlocking genetic insights on key bodily functions including metabolic response, appetite control and more. Genetically guided weight-management. Personalized.

How it Works

Three easy steps. It's that simple.
Learn more

The Science

Our CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified* lab extracts DNA from cells in your saliva sample. The lab processes the DNA on a genotyping chip that reads hundreds of thousands of variants in your genome. Your genomic data is analyzed to generate personalized health and wellness reports based on well-established scientific and medical research.
Illumina DNA Genotyping

We partner leading CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified* labs worldwide to process our members' DNA samples

Our rigorous quality standards and guidelines ensure reliable service delivery

Genotyping technology is a well-established and reliable platform for analyzing DNA cost-effectively

Our team of scientists and medical experts uses a robust process to develop reports to ensure validity

Our Product Differentiation

Categories GenixPRO™ Others
Technology: Use most advanced Polygenic Risk Scoring for health risk stratification
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Assessment: Of over 83M SNP's including pharmacogenomics* biomarkers
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Recommendations: Based on integrated DNA, diagnostics and lifestyle biomarkers assessment
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Services: Offer a comprehensive suite of Lab Tests | Imaging | Medical Examination*
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Value: Add-on Gut Health Analysis (~100 Conditions | 100 Mn.+ markers*)
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Analytics: AI-powered Health Risk Stratification (Diseases | Deficiencies)
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Support: Personalized diet, supplements, probiotics based on holistic health assessment
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided
Purpose: Health Priority Analysis. Digital Health Coaching. Your Holistic Health Transformation.
GenixPRO Complete
Not Provided

Most Personalized Health Check

Not a regular “one-size-fits-all” generic health check. Access
personalized fitness, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

DNA Health Screening

  • Discover Your Unique Potential. Most comprehensive, greatest value, all-in-one Diagnostics | DNA | Lifestyle based health assessment
  • Know Your Health Risks. Over 120 metabolic health, nutrition, fitness, mental health conditions and lifestyle traits assessed
  • Customize Your Plan. Eliminate guesswork. We make actionable recommendations to personalize your nutrition, fitness and lifestyle
  • Transform. Use WYZR™ your Digital Health Coach. Engage in awesome in-app activities to maximize your holistic well-being
Let's Do This.

Predict Health Risks Early

Listen To Your Genes

DNA (or deoxyribonucleic acid) is the building block of life, contained within the trillions of cells in your body. A gene is a segment of the DNA molecule that contains the instructions for how, when and where your body makes each of the many thousands of proteins required for life.

You inherited your human DNA (Oh! there's microbial DNA too - in your gut) from your parents, passed down to offspring through generations, which is why it is ‘hereditary’. It's about 99.5% identical among individuals. With the exception of identical twins, all individuals have minor differences in the information contained in their DNA, and it's these differences that make each of us unique. Gene variations are slight changes in the genetic code and have been linked to certain health conditions, likelihood of health risks, behavior, personality traits, and ancestry.

When it comes to your overall health and well-being, DNA is only among one of the health determinants. Your lifestyle and environment are equally important to consider. This is why we assess DNA, lifestyle, and diagnostic biomarkers together. By analyzing your unique genetic characteristics using GenixPRO™, you may personalize your training, diet and lifestyle choices to match your individual needs in achieving your goals. Better. Together.

Get Started Today

Frequently asked questions

Hi. Still have questions about how it works?
Answered below are a few common inquiries about GenixPRO™.
If you don't find your questions answered herein, kindly contact us.